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Donate Today

Your Support Can Change a Life!


Just $30 Starts a High School Student on the Path to Lifelong Success

Pathways to College is a unique nonprofit after-school program with a proven track record of preparing African American and other high school students of color for college success. We have helped more than 4,600 students gain admission to colleges and universities nationwide.

Working with outstanding teachers, Pathways to College focuses on the critical thinking skills and habits of mind that help students become the best high school students, college applicants, and college students they can be.

Our results are inspiring!
*100% college acceptance
4,600+ Pathways Scholars (to date)

Give generously now, while your gift is doubled by Oprah’s Matching Challenge! Your gift of just $30 puts a high school student on the path to success.

* Based on National Student Clearinghouse Data